Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday December 21, 2010

I wasn't able to post this weekend or yesterday so I'm making time to catch up now. I had a great weekend with my husband and family...we went to a family wedding and it was just so beautiful...we danced, talked, laughed and just had a great time with the whole family. I think being together at the wedding gave Victor and I a chance to realize that our separation that took place in April is just what we needed. The 7 months that we were apart (we just didn't sleep in the same bed...we still talked and slept together (he always came back to ME) the whole time we were separated) and experienced some things but after all that we went through, we finally came to realize is that we ARE MEANT for each other....yes there were some things we needed to work out but when all is said and done...our love for one another was still there !! We are BEST FRIENDS and we are a TEAM...and NO ONE can or will ever take that away from us !!

I read some things that people post on FaceBook, Twitter and Blogs...and I just laugh. I get a good laugh and just shake my head and think to myself "better you than me" or "how can people lie so much and remember all the lies they told."  Well I need to get my lunch packed and get ready for work. I'll have to post more later when I get home tonight.

Hope everyone has a great day...cause I know I will !! Off to save some lives and try to make our city a safer place.

Till next time :)

Pray for You - Jaron and The Long Road to Love :: Official Video

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday December 16, 2010

Today is the first day of my blog, I've had this blog spot for about a month or two, and just never started to blog about anything. I can tell you I have plenty to blog about, but sometimes I wonder who would read it and do they really care what I have to say?! I think this is a good form of therapy at least for me I think it will be...just to get out all those feeling from inside and out on to a blog spot !!! Ha Ha Ha this is going to be very interesting. But I must first say that whatever "I write on this blog is going to be My own personal opinion and it's going to be how I see it or saw it"...."through my own eyes" !!!!